Chapel Hill in 2017

I grew up in Chapel Hill. I know that sounds crazy for such a transient town, but I did. I graduated from Chapel Hill High in 2001. Of course the town has changed over the course of my 34 years. We used to have an incredible soda shoppe, things like Barrel-O-Fun, which was a perfect little arcade on franklin, and Time After Time, an awesome vintage clothing store. I could go on but this post isn’t about the past…it’s about the future. For incoming Tarheels, UNC faculty, and migrating families 2016 Chapel Hill is the only Chapel Hill they know.
Here is what I know: In the last 5 years I’ve seen more development in this little town then in the previous 29, and in the next 2 years there will more than the previous 5. The town has definitely hit an exponential growth curve!
For better or worse we are in a strong growth phase. Typically in towns this means less locally owned, bespoke, shoppes and restaurants and more regional or national chains. Cough,Target, cough. For what it’s worth this town has needed a grocery in the downtown area for a while. On top of that I am all about choice!
The take away: These new developments will certainly feature the best and latest ways to spend your money. What makes Chapel Hill the place I love to live is that the town has always valued people and experiences over everything else. As long as this town can continue to value those things while consumption and status are highlighted with billboards of brick and glass I will be happy to see this town update it’s commercial areas, increase choices, and improve the infrastructure to meet awesome people and create incredible memories.
With love and respect,
Nathan Mills