Apartments & Homes for Rent In Chapel Hill, Carrboro NC
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Mills Rentals has over 40 years of rental property management experience in Chapel Hill and Carrboro, North Carolina, as well as a long-standing reputation to be not simply good, but the best.

120 Purefoy Rd. Chapel Hill, NC 27514 TEL. 919.967.0045


September Newsletter


Check out what your awesome landlords are up to this September!
Hello from the Mills Rentals Team! We had a fun but extremely busy summer over here at 120 Purefoy, and are pleased to announce that we’ve come out on the other end of turnover season in one piece. Now that the dust has settled, we’re hard at work looking for ways to help you live better. Here are some things we’re excited about this month:

Lift Rent Challenge
Have you ever wanted to start a new habit but lost motivation somewhere around day three?
Have you ever wanted someone to pay you to make positive changes in your life? Have we got a rent challenge for you! We’re in love with the Lift app for your phone and desktop that’s designed to keep track of your goals and keep you motivated. So we devised a challenge: Anyone who signs up for Lift and manages to complete one habit a day for a month gets $10 off rent the following month. Here’s how you do it:

  • Sign up for Lift here or download the app on your phone.
  • Friend Nathan Mills on the app.
  • Add some habits that you’d like to start doing.
  • Do at least one of these everyday.

You don’t have to do the same habit everyday, and the habit can be as simple as “Brush my teeth” or as intense as “Train for ironman”, as long as you’re doing something everyday that you say you want to do. We’ll give you until the end of the week to start for this month, and will be running the challenge at least until the end of the semester. It’s an easy way to lower your rent while simultaneously helping you meet your goals.

Bull City Race Fest
The Mills Rentals Team is running in the Bull City Race Fest in Durham next month!
The race is on October 19th, and we were hoping some of you would like to join us. It starts downtown near DPAC, and ends in a Food Truck Rodeo. You can choose to run either 1 mile, 5 miles, or a half marathon, so no matter your level of comfort with running, there’s something for you. You could even incorporate training for the run into one of your new “Lift” habits! If you run with us, we’ll give you a free “Mills Rentals Bull City Race Fest” shirt that will be super fly and make all your friends jealous. If we have enough interest, we’ll even rent a party bus to cart us all down to Durham. Shoot us an email if you’re interested, and check out more info on the race here.
Better Living Tips from M.R.:
+ Stop looking at screens an hour before bed. The blue light emitted from computers, TVs, iPads, and telephones actually inhibits the production of melatonin, which can mess with your circadian rhythm. More here.
+ Cut a sponge in half and use one half for dishes and the other half for spills. 2fer!
+ Check yourself before you wreck yourself
Love the Mills Rentals Newsletter, but sad that it only comes out once a month?
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